What is the difference between AMERO PAY and AMERO CASH ?
AMERO CASH: Amero Loyalty Coin simplifies the need of exchange of monetary products, settling bills, recharge, redeem against a service or a good. Easy process to send rewards to near and dear ones. Safe transaction and secured information. Secured by QR scanner, OTP, and individual pin number.
AMERO PAY: It is MERCHANT ORIENTED APP which facilitates to carry out the transaction or exchange of monetary product from a client. Through this App, a Small & Medium Entrepreneur engaged with Legal Registered Business can enroll and be part of AMERO MERCHANT Network.
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Did you know "The Amero Cash" App Gives Best Offers For Merchant and Client?
AmeroCash App is a platform providing an easy to use wallet base exchangeability with your fidelity points. ALC is a unique dynamic reward given by a merchant to the client as a token for loyal business and appreciation for helping survive small and medium enterprise. Amero loyalty Coin is helpful for any small business, merchants, and retailers.
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What Is Amero Loyalty Coin?
Amero Loyalty Coin is a global coalition Loyalty Program first of its kind in the world. It's a unique dynamic reward given by a merchant to client as a token for loyal business and appreciation for helping survive Small and Medium enterprise.
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